What were our delegates’ biggest ‘learnings’?

We asked our delegates what their biggest learnings from the ‘Across the Professions’ seminar were.

Here’s what they told us:

I learnt that other professionals are faced with challenges similar to those faced by my profession.  I also learnt about how publishing houses – as content keepers – are moving to engage professionals in their continuing education needs.  I also learnt that continuing professional development programmes are not particularly effective at identifying poorly performing professionals.

After listening to Jon and the presenters of the case studies, it was very clear that our new (soon to be launched) Learning Portal and CPD online will support all the modern techniques and approaches in adult learning while managing to create optimal and adaptive online experiences for our members.  We are on the right path………….

The rate at which change in the digital age is occurring.  The importance of language. That professional development is about education, not an exercise in audit.

CPD needs are very similar across diverse fields. There’s a huge need to leadership and management training across all professions and not all fields give this the attention they should.

CPD tools are being well done in other industries to my own – e.g. CPA career guidance system was excellent. Gave me good ideas. APHRA – I had no prior knowledge of them. Various  IT facts from the first presentation.

Some groups are doing amazing things already. People are hanging out for great tools and materials. There is a huge population of people who need to do CPD.

Christine Redman’s take on engaging learner’s hearts and heads. That social networking is here to stay and I need to think more positively about it. That there are closed loop social networks that we could use in different set ups  (and that no one has the answer – yet).

Importance of social networking technologies and the ability to use them in a safe/ ‘private’ manner. Your comments, Chris [Graf], that we don’t need to invent technologies but that we should leave that to the geeky experts and simply use the great tools they develop.

“One size doesn’t fit all” – Vicki Smith

Some delegates also gave us their top three learnings:

  1. The number of technologies that can be used for learning – not so much that I didn’t know they exsisted, but how some of them can be used.
  2. That much of what I do is also being done by others – so I know I am on the right track.
  3. That together as a community we can probably do more and learn more.
  1. Engagement crucial – learning must be relevant and delivered in a multifaceted approach.
  2. The absolute importance of sustaining competent and safe medical professionals through CPD.
  3. CPD programs/content need to support and encourage learning ie must be efficient, consider participant’s time constraints, provide easy documentation and record of activities.
  1. Widespread interest with many shared issues
  2. Need for network
  3. Requires careful to get support from the top. Planning and knowing how
    Comment from: Gerald Moss
  1. We’re all in the same or very similar boat in relation to the issues raised, with the exception of what can be mandated and by whom.
  2. How e-learning is being used & its potential for our association.
  3. Some things don’t change – e.g. in relation to learning itself, be it adult or really at any age

PD accepted as essential, one size not fit all, that is known but frequently not factored in.  Professionals need a wide variety of activities counting for points, that was a significant selling point when I introduced Maintenance Of Professional Standards to my department in ChCh when the College of Anesthetists first introduced it and I became the MOPS officer. It is actually a good story because it brings in so many key success  factors.  Valuable opportunity for developing network or community of interest. I believe this needs a strong “committee” of live-wires and moderately busy organisation & secretarial support.  Maybe online “journal” at lease names and interests/expertise.  So:

  1. Duration of remote CPD programs.
  2. Ways to generate participation.
  3. Need to focus on the consumer.
  1. The value of branding (CPA)
  2. Time, Culture and Cost (the three perceived barriers)
  3. Social media and containment

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